Common Data Project looking for a partner organization to open up access to sensitive data.

[pullquote]The Common Data project is looking for a partner organization to develop and test a pilot version of the datatrust: a technology platform for collecting, sharing and disclosing sensitive information that provides a new way to guarantee privacy.[/pullquote]Funders are increasingly interested in developing ways for nonprofit organizations to make more use of data and make their data more public. We would like to apply with a partner organization for a handful of promising funding opportunities.We at CDP have developed technology and expertise that would enable a partner organization to:

  1. Collect sensitive data from members, donors and other stakeholders in a safe and responsible manner;
  2. Open data to the public to answer policy questions, be more transparent and accountable, and inform public discourse.

We are looking for an organization that is both passionate about its mission and deeply invested in the value of open data to provide us with a targeted issue to address.[pullquote]We are especially interested in working with data that is currently inaccessible or locked down for privacy reasons.[/pullquote]We can imagine, in particular, a couple of different scenarios in which an organization could use the datatrust in interesting ways, but ultimately, we are looking to work out a specific scenario together.

  • A data exchange to share sensitive information between members.
  • An advocacy tool for soliciting private information from members so that organizational policy positions can be backed up with hard data.
  • A way to share sensitive data with allies in a way that doesn’t violate individual privacy.

If you're interested in learning more about working with us, please contact Alex Selkirk at alex [dot] selkirk [at] commondataproject [dot] org.


In the mix...philanthropic entities, who's online doing what, data brokers, and data portability


A big update for the Common Data Project